This is a weird one. It has to do with an issue that seems to be arising in the software and the way it is processing the laser module trajectory during a cut.
The file attached called “trajectory2.png” is what the module trajectory looks like when it processes the engraving before any editing. This creates a successful cut.
The 2nd file attached called “trajectory3.png” is what the module trajectory looks like when it processes the engraving after changing the power to 30% and the speed to 160. Those 2 settings are the only changes to this layer which is made up of many small bitmap images. When this trajectory is actually engraved the path gets progressively off and by the end of the engraving it is about 25mm off of where it should be - ruining the entire cut.
I recently replaced my xTool 5w laser module with a Laser Tree 20w module. I have had no performance related issues with the hardware at all. The only thing that has changed is that now in the XCS software it says “No Laser Model Recognized”. Could this affect the way it figures trajectory when processing a cut?
Any help or ideas would be much appreciated!