What is Framing?
Updated Jan 13,2025
Updated Jan 13,2025

What is framing?

Framing means that the laser module moves along the boundary of the processed object on the material, so that the processed area on the material can be previewed.

How does it work?

a. Select objects and start framing in real time
During framing, if you select one or more objects, XCS will frame the selected objects. When hidden objects are selected, framing will not take effect on the hidden objects.
During framing, if you have selected objects and then select to perform framing on all the objects on the canvas, all the selected objects will be executed. When you selects all the objects, the display will include the hidden objects, but they will not be displayed in framing.
b. Adjust the size or position of objects and start framing in real time
During framing, if you select one or more objects and adjust the size or position, XCS supports real-time updating of the laser framing;
c.Framing settings
You can adjust the framing parameters according to your device by click icon.
  • Light power (%): If the power is set too high, it may leave a burn mark even burn the materials because different materials have different properties. Please adjust the power according to the materials.

D Series does not support adjusting the light power of framing after selecting the red cross positioning.
D Series does not support adjusting the light power of framing after replacing it with a red laser module.

  • Framing speed: The framing speed refers to the speed at which the laser module moves along the boundary of the processing object on the material. If the speed of framing is too fast to preview the processing area clearly, you can adjust the speed as needed.
  • Mode: There are two modes for F1 and F1 Ultra in framing, Rect and Outline respectively. Select only in Process on baseplate, Baseplate removed and Use slide extension modes.
    • Rect mode: In the Rect mode, the laser point moves along the rectangular boundary of the processing object. When selecting single/multiple objects or adjusting the size or position of single or multiple objects in Rect mode, a rectangular framing will appear;
You can use this mode in scenarios where processing previews need to be carried out according to the rectangular range. For example, it is used when the processing object is in a regular rectangular shape or when the processing area needs to be determined by a rectangle as the boundary.
  • Outline mode: In the Outline mode, the laser point moves along the contour of the processing object.
When the shape of the processing object is irregular and the processing preview needs to be carried out precisely according to the contour of the object, the Outline mode can be used.
For S1:
  • XY speed (mm/s): The moving speed of the laser module in X and Y directions.
  • XY distance (mm): The moving distance of the laser module with each tap on an XY arrow button.
  • Z distance (mm): The moving distance of the laser module with each tap on a Z arrow button.
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