Engrave Glassware Flawlessly with this Step-by-Step Guide
Updated Sep 5,2023
Updated Sep 5,2023

As a laser-making lover, you absolutely need to learn the skill of engraving glass. In this guide, we're gonna show you how to laser engrave a drinking glass - a super fun technique that works on all kinds of glass, from wine glasses to plain old sheets of the stuff.

So grab a glass and let's get started!



Essential Materials

For this task, we'll use the xTool D1 Pro 10 Watt. Additionally, gather the following items:


1)  Laser Marking Paper: Ensure to soak the paper in clean water for 5 minutes before using it.


2)  Denatured Alcohol: Clean the glass surface with denatured alcohol before applying the marking paper. This step ensures that even seemingly clean glass is free of fingerprints or tiny dust particles, both of which can adversely impact the engraving process.


3)  Rotary Attachment: A rotary attachment is necessary for engraving cylindrical objects, like drinking glasses.


4) Risers: Risers are essential for adjusting the xTool D1 Pro's height to accommodate different engraving scenarios, and provide enough space for the rotary attachment and the glass.


5 Steps to Engrave Glass Using the xTool D1 Pro


Step 1:  Clean the Glass Surface with Denatured Alcohol. 

Avoid touching the etching surface with bare fingers to prevent smudging.


Step 2:  Prepare and Apply the Laser Marking Paper. 

Cut the paper to the desired size using scissors. Soak the paper in water for five minutes, then remove the white backing. Carefully apply the marking paper to the glass, ensuring no air remains trapped underneath.

Then, use a hairdryer to dry the paper on the glass quickly, and put rubber bands around the ends of the cups


Step 3: Set Power and Speed in XCS

Upload your design and adjust the size according to the object's dimensions.

Set the power to 50% and the speed to 100 mm/s, based on our testing, for the best etching results. Feel free to experiment with these settings.


Step 4: Adjust the Laser Focus. Secure the module and tighten the screw. 

Make the tip of the focus ruler contact the highest point, and move the laser head to position the intersection of the crosshairs at the highest point. Click the 'Process' button in the software, then 'Framing'. Press the button on the machine and frame the image as desired. Lastly, click 'Start' and press the machine button to begin engraving.



Step 5: Remove the Marking Paper. 

After the engraving is complete, submerge the glass in water for a few minutes and gently remove the paper.


Remember, it may take a few attempts before achieving the desired results. Don't get discouraged if you encounter challenges initially. 

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