How to Fix USB Connection Issues with xTool on Mac
Updated Jul 13,2023
Updated Jul 13,2023

When you connect your xTool machine to your Mac using a USB cable, you may encountered the situation that your machine can't be found in the device list under the USB option in XCS.


So today we'll guide you through some troubleshooting steps to help you fix this issue and get back to creating amazing projects with your xTool laser machine. So, let's dive in! 🎯


*This article applies to D1 and D1 Pro with all laser modules


🖥 Check the CH341 Driver

First, make sure you have installed the CH341 driver. You can download the CH341 driver (clickable) from our website and follow the installation instructions.


Once installed, restart your computer and give permission to load the driver.

Reconnect the device and XCS should be able to find your device. If the Allow button doesn't work, follow the next step.



Open the Terminal and copy/paste the command "sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/usbserial.kext/".

Press Enter and, if required, enter your computer user password.

After the command is executed successfully, repeat step 3.



🔌 Check USB Cable and Port

Ensure that there is no bad contact on the computer USB port or USB cable.


To troubleshoot, plug in a USB stick or other storage device into the USB port. If it can be recognized properly, then the USB port of the computer is working properly. If it cannot be recognized properly, please try another USB port.


After making sure your computer's USB port is working properly, reconnect your machine. If the device is still not recognized in XCS, try with another USB cable or replace the master control.


🌐 Check Antivirus and Firewall

If the above troubleshooting steps don't work, check your computer's antivirus and firewall features. Sometimes, these can interfere with the USB connection. Turn them off, restart XCS, and reconnect the USB.



😁 Don't let the frustration of not being able to connect your xTool machine through USB get you down! With these easy troubleshooting steps, you'll be up and running in no time. And if all else fails, don't hesitate to reach out to xTool's tech support team.

And as always, give us a thumbs up if you find the tip helpful, and feel free to comment on anything you expect to see in our community! Happy laser engraving! 🔨


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