Setting up an xTool Rotary in Lightburn
Updated Jul 26,2023
Updated Jul 26,2023

Setting up your xTool rotary in Lightburn is relatively simple. However, I have seen many pieces of conflicting and incorrect information on YouTube and Facebook. Much of this is driven by the fact that xTool changed how the rotary behaved when connected to a D1 or D1 Pro starting with firmware updates released in July of 2022. Below are the correct settings to use, both for chuck and roller based rotaries and are applicable to both the RA2 Pro and the RA1 rotaries when configuring in Lightburn.


Chuck Rotary Configuration

To configure the RA2 Pro Chuck rotary within Lightburn, the configuration parameters should be as shown in the below screenshot. The Steps per rotation is a fixed number (128mm) and should never have to be changed. The Diameter or the Circumference should be set to whatever value you get when measuring the object you are going to engrave.

The Rotary Axis setting should be set to Z-Axis if using an D1 (non-Pro) and for the Y-axis if using a D1 Pro.

You will need to select Mirror Output to Rotary if the motor of your rotary is facing the Left rail of your xTool.


Roller Rotary Configuration

When configuring your RA2 Pro or RA1 roller rotaries in Lightburn, the rotary configuration should be as shown in the screenshot below. The Steps per rotation is a fixed number (32mm) and should never have to be changed. The Roller diameter is a fixed number (17mm) and should never have to be changed. The Diameter or the Circumference should be set to whatever value you get when measuring the object you are going to engrave.

The Rotary Axis setting should be set to Z-Axis if using an D1 (non-Pro) and for the Y-axis if using a D1 Pro.



  1. Always test your engrave by using a sheet of paper with some aluminum foil underneath taped over your object and running very low power (15% or lower for a 10W) so you can see how your engrave will come out and whether you have selected the proper mirroring option.
  2. LightBurn has a bug that will cause it to stop mirroring occasionally even though all settings indicate that it should mirror. Make sure that you check your Preview within Lightburn EVERY time prior to actual starting your cuts. The Preview will accurately indicate the orientation of your image/text.
  3. Measure the diameter/circumference carefully.
  4. Make absolutely sure that your object is level with respect to the laser.

I hope you have found this article helpful.


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