What is the Difference between Engrave, Score, and Cut?
Updated Jul 26,2023
Updated Jul 26,2023

Many of you have asked this question in our group, here it comes!


Score, Engrave and Cut are three different processing methods


  • When you Score a graphic, only the outline of it will be processed.
  • When you Engrave a graphic, the closed area within the outline will be engraved.
  • When you Cut a graphic, the graphic will be cut out through its outline.


Let’s see an example below


Material: 3mm Basswood Plywood

To show you the difference, I drew three shapes in XCS and set up three different processing methods.


And this is what I got after processing:


See? When I set different parameters in Score, Engrave and Cut,

the finished works are so different!


In a complex drawing, we often use three different processing methods and set parameters accordingly. There is no end to learning, so explore and unleash your creativity now!

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