To reproduce an image's color in screen printing, XCS offers the CMYK splitting function, which separates colors into four CMYK layers: cyan, magenta (red), yellow, and black. With this function, your machine can engrave four screens for multi-color printing. For details, see Process screens by split CMYK channels for multi-color printing.
In XCS, select the image and click CMYK splitting from the tool menu.
In the Split by CMYK dialog box, the Halftone processing checkbox is selected and Max. radius is set to 4 by default.
After reducing the pixel radius, you can increase the processing power based on the recommended settings. This ensures that screens are fully engraved and image details remain.
For example, if you reduce Max. radius to 3, increase the power as follows:
Machine | Laser power | Screen mesh count | Power setting |
xTool S1 | 20 W | 200 | Recommended power + 10% |
Parameters for other xTool machines will be soon updated in this table. Stay tuned!
To test the processing settings for smaller pixel radiuses, copy and paste several target images on the canvas and set their Max. radius to the same value.
Then, incrementally increase their processing power by 10%.
After processing the screens and printing your material, decide the best printing result and record the corresponding settings for future processing.
1. When applying the CMYK splitting function, you're advised to use screens with more meshes. You can purchase 200 mesh screens on
2. Do not use highly flowable ink on screens during printing. Otherwise, the ink may drip outside the target position on the material.