Troubleshoot False Flame Detection
Updated Oct 12,2024
Updated Oct 12,2024

To resolve “Laser module moving over the position limit”, refer to this troubleshooting tutorial: The Position Limit Won't Work


This article applies to:

D1 Pro with all laser modules.


Issue description

If XCS prompts "a flame is detected" during machine operation, despite no visible flame or spark, please consult this article for troubleshooting.


#1 Check the surrounding lighting

  1. Check if the machine is operating in excessively bright surroundings or rapidly changing ambient lighting.
  2. As the flame detector identifies fires based on the light wavelength detected by its sensor, strong lighting in the environment may lead it to mistake ordinary light for fire, triggering false alarms. Hence, it is advisable to avoid operating the machine in areas with excessively bright lighting, including direct sunlight near windows and rapidly changing ambient lighting.
  3. If this is not the case, move to the next step.


#2 Adjust the sensitivity setting

  1. Check the sensitivity setting by clicking on the "Setting" icon and selecting the "Working parameters" to see if "High sensitivity" is activated.
  2. As a safety precaution, the built-in fire alarm with high sensitivity minimizes fire risks to the largest extent. However, as a trade-off, it may occasionally be triggered due to small sparks that are not sufficient to cause a fire. In such cases, if you prefer to reduce sensitivity, activate the 'Low sensitivity' option. This allows for smoother and more peaceful processing.
  3. If this is not the case proceed to the next step.

⚠️ Caution: In case of fire, DO NOT leave the machine unattended during processing when the flame alarm is disabled.


#3 Replace the laser module

  1. If the steps above don't resolve the issue and the alarm still goes off without visible flame or spark, the fire detection sensor in the laser module may have malfunctioned.
  2. As this component is non-repairable, please contact xTool Customer Service at for a replacement.


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