Mark Processing Area Using xTool S1 Pin-Point Positioning Function
Updated Nov 28,2023
Updated Nov 28,2023

In xTool Creative Space Software v 1.7, we upgraded xTool S1 Pin-Point Positioning feature. This upgraded feature is a game-changer for anyone using the xTool S1, simplifying the process of marking various shapes like rectangles, circles, polygons, and lines, and even enabling the marking of multiple shapes in a single pass without the need for jigs. 

I. How to Mark with Precision

1. Start Marking

After completing the auto-measure, hit the 'Start Marking' button and choose your desired shape type. Then, move the laser head to the material's corresponding position and press the machine's button to mark each point.



2. Shape-Specific Positioning Method

  • Twin-Point Positioning: This feature magically creates a rectangle by marking any two points not aligned horizontally. Learn more
  • Circular Positioning: Mark any 3 points along the circle's edge (not on a horizontal line), and the software smartly finds the circle's center, generating a perfect circle.
  • Polygonal Positioning: With no limit on the points you can mark, this mode connects the last point back to the first automatically. Remember, you can't click 'Done' with fewer than 3 points.
  • Line Positioning: Create a straight line through two points, free from angle restrictions. A new line is generated for every two points marked.



In Polygonal Positioning, the software connects the last point back to the first automatically.


3. Deleting Points & Shapes

Erase points during marking by hitting the withdraw icon. After marking, a graphic and thumbnail will appear on top. Click the thumbnail to delete the graphic.

The software defaults to removing the last marked point.


4. Batch Processing: Mark Multiple Shapes in One Go

Now the software allows you to mark multi-shape objects in batches. You can easily process various objects such as pencils, coasters, bottle caps, door numbers, and more by drawing different processing areas all at once. This time-saving function eliminates the need for jigs and makes the process more efficient.

Each time you finish marking a single shape, you can change the Marking Mode to mark a different graphic.



Silent Mode

For a quieter operation, disable the Buzzer Reminder by clicking the settings icon in the machine panel's top-right corner and switching it off.


5. Revisit Marking Status & One-Click Deletion

After returning to the canvas, use the small eye icon to revisit the pop-up window for editing or continue the marking.

Click 'Start Marking' again to auto-delete and replace the original data, or use the Bin icon to erase all marked graphic areas.

Note: Be cautious when deleting, as marked areas aren't saved in the software or files.


II. Auto-Snapping, Center with Ease

Auto-snapping ensures your designs are always perfectly centered in the marked processing area, there's no more eye-balling!


How to Enable

Navigate to the software's upper-left corner, click the settings button, and activate the auto-snapping feature in General Settings.


Here you have it! Experiment with the various shapes to fine-tune your work, and enjoy the efficiency of batch processing. 

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